News | ADVERTORIAL | The Emissions Team - March 11th 2024

5 Surprising Facts About Dieselgate UK Car Owners Must Know


The Dieselgate scandal sent shockwaves through the UK, revealing potential widespread deception in the car industry. If you are a UK resident and owned a diesel car from 2008 to 2018, here’s what you need to know.  

You can check your registration today to find out if you have been affected.

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Here are 5 shocking facts you may not be aware of:

1. There could be THOUSANDS of UK cars that are polluting more than advertised.

Experts have warned that your diesel car might be emitting far more than its fair share of pollution. It's not just an environmental concern – it’s a matter of public health.

2. Over £100M has already been paid in UK Dieselgate compensation.

Due to manufacturers potentially misleading consumers, compensation has been already been paid. With over £100m compensated to UK drivers, the scale of Dieselgate is staggering. This compensation is in the billions around the globe. Your claim could add to that figure.

Did You Own One Of These Diesel Cars Between 2008 - 2018?

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3. Vehicles that have been "fixed" could have WORSE fuel efficiency.

Your diesel may have been recalled for a fix, but did you know this could have compromised its fuel economy? Post-recall "fixes" might have dipped into your fuel efficiency, costing you more at the pump.

4. You may have paid MORE for a "greener" car that wasn't green at all.

You chose your car thinking it was an eco-friendly option, paying extra for peace of mind. But what if that promise was a lie? The premium you paid for a “cleaner” car could have been money down the drain.

5. You could be owed between 25%-75% of your vehicle value.

Experts are suggesting diesel emission claims could be worth thousands due to the potential lies of manufacturers. This claim could be worth 25-75% of the vehicle value.

Discover If You Have Been Affected

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Discover If You Can Claim For Free!

A diesel claim is a legal action taken by diesel vehicle owners who believe they have been affected by the 'dieselgate' scandal.

The claim seeks compensation for financial losses and health impacts experienced by the vehicle owners due to higher pollutant emissions from their vehicles. use a state-of-the-art registration checker will be able to tell you which vehicles are eligible. We run checks using your registration across the eligible criteria and check your vehicle fuel type, engine type, and manufacturer date.

The criteria for claiming is:

  • Vehicle must be diesel
  • Must have been purchased, financed or leased in England & Wales
  • Manufactured & Owned between 2008-2018
  • Must be BMW, Citroen, Mini, Nissan, Peugeot, Renault or Vauxhall

Discover if your vehicle is eligible today, for free.

Discover If You Have Been Affected

Ready To Start Your Claim?

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Owned A Diesel Between 2008-2018? You Could Be Eligible. Check Now.

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