Vulnerable Client Policy

Last Updated: 02.03.2024


At, we are committed to treating all our clients fairly, with special attention to the needs of vulnerable clients. This policy outlines our approach to identifying, supporting, and protecting clients who may be considered vulnerable, in line with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) guidelines.


Definition of Vulnerability

We adopt the FCA's definition of vulnerability as clients who, due to their personal circumstances, are especially susceptible to harm, particularly when a firm is not acting with appropriate levels of care. Vulnerabilities may arise from a variety of sources, including but not limited to, age, disability, mental health issues, and major life changes.


Identification of Vulnerable Clients

We use a range of methods to identify clients who may be vulnerable. This includes training our staff to recognise signs of vulnerability and creating an environment where clients feel comfortable disclosing any vulnerabilities.



We are committed to communicating with vulnerable clients in ways that meet their needs. This may include adjusting the method, timing, and language of our communications. Staff are trained to be flexible and responsive to the preferences of vulnerable clients.


Staff Training

All staff who interact with clients undergo comprehensive training on how to recognise and support vulnerable clients. This training is updated regularly to ensure it reflects the latest best practices and regulatory requirements.


Service and Website

Our website and service are designed to be accessible to all clients, including those who are vulnerable. We consider the needs of vulnerable clients in the design phase of all our offerings.


Client Outcomes

We monitor the outcomes for vulnerable clients to ensure they are as favourable as those for other clients. This involves regular review of service performance, feedback from vulnerable clients, and adjustments based on this feedback.


Feedback and Complaints

Vulnerable clients are encouraged to provide feedback or lodge complaints through our accessible, clear, and responsive processes. We treat such feedback with the utmost seriousness and as an opportunity for improvement.

You can view our Complaints Policy here.


Continuous Improvement

Our approach to supporting vulnerable clients is subject to continuous review and improvement. We regularly update our practices and policies to reflect changes in regulation, best practices, and the needs of our clients.


Regulatory Compliance is committed to compliance with all relevant FCA regulations and guidance relating to the treatment of vulnerable clients. This policy will be reviewed and updated in response to any changes in legislation or regulation.


Implementation and Review

This policy is implemented across all levels of our firm and is reviewed at least annually to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with FCA guidelines.


Have A Question Or Concern?

We are here to help. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us through any of the following methods:


Our Address

2A Crown Business Park,
Cowm Top Lane,
Greater Manchester,
OL11 2PU


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